
I am interested in the following topics and would like to be sent the relevant brochures.

At the Tourist Information in Körbecke and at the dam (open from April to October) we have various brochures and maps. We have provided an selection of the main brochures and flyers from Möhnesee. We would be happy to send you the brochures by post (a flat-rate shipping fee of €3.00 will then apply).


Neben kostenfreiem Prospektmaterial, verkaufen wir zudem folgendes Kartenmaterial:

Wanderkarte Arnsberg - Möhnesee (Neuauflage in 2019)

6,95 € zzgl. Versand 
















Booklet Wander- und Radtouren am Möhnesee

4,90 € zzgl. Versand







Radwanderkarte Kreis Soest

7,95 € zzgl. Versand